Finding My Way

Saturday, December 31, 2005

happy f-in new year!

yeah, so... yes way to start the new year. here on the computer writing a blog. oh yes i rock. no, i am not here because i have nothing better to do but the alternative is making a fool of myself at a party while people try to get me drunk. i just don't get that whole thing and really have no need to be part of it. its fine people should do what makes them happy but for me it has the exact opposite effect. i need to just get used to the fact that i like being alone. its not going to change no matter what i do. i like it quiet, i want peace and quiet. i just don't get the parties. for years it what i wanted but now i guess through doing it i realize nope uh eh not me. give me a book, music and some coffee. enough with the drunken shinanigans. so here is to a new year where i just accept me for myself and not put myself in situations that i know i will not like no matter who is there or who i want to be with. i am me and thats that. other people are themselves and thats cool to. we all need out own road i guess.


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